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Building Resilience in Bogota

connecting ecological & public space --- a better Bogota life

      The aim of this project is to improve city green infrastructure for the informal area (Bogotá), build a resilient urban environment and create a sustainable life for people who live there.
      This project mainly consists of three parts. Firstly, having visited along the route, collaged the impression and drawn the sections, we understand and analyze the basic situation of Bogotá, then we summarize the main problems of the plot. Secondly, we generate the design concepts in three aspects on the landscape scale, public spaces, green spaces and the connectivity among those spaces. In addition, we lead out us of manifesto - building an energetic green & public spaces net. Thirdly, on the neighborhood scale, we choose three areas to design and show the details of the sections. Section 1 is about the connectivity which talks about upgrading the green transportation and facilities. Section 2 is about the public square which talks about the space design, the activities that could happen there and how to improve the buildings around the public spaces. Section 3 is about the green space referring to the wetland design, water treatment and how the community connecting with it.

Situating Bogotá

Las Limas Creek

Landscape scale

Neighborhood scale

Team Members: Changhao li | Chong Wang | Jiaxin Shi | Yuqing Zhang

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